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There is no specific collective noun for gray wolves. The collective nouns for wolves are a herd of wolves, a pack of wolves, or a rout of wolves.

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โˆ™ 11y ago
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โˆ™ 10y ago

A pack of wolves, or a wolf pack.

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Q: What is the collective name for gray wolf?
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What is another name for gray wolf?

Another name for the gray wolf is tha canis lapus or the timber wolf

What is another name for the gray wolf is the wolf?

Grey wolves have many names including :- Gray Wolf (in America), Timber Wolf or simply Wolf

Who named the gray wolf?

the gray wolf got its name from its unique gray coloring, no one knows for sure who first called them " Gray wolves"

What is another name for a wolf?

Another name for the gray wolf is tha canis lapus or the timber wolf

Gray wolf genus and species?

The gray wolf is also known as the timber wolf. They are found in many biomes. Their genus and species is Canis lupus.

Is a name wolf a scientific name?

The scientific name for a wolf is Canis Lupus.Most wolves are subspecies of Canis lupus, the Gray Wolf.

How did gray wolf get its name?

Because its grey

What is the difference between the Mexican gray wolf and the gray wolf?

there are two species of wolves. the red wolf and the gray wolf. the mexican gray wolf is a type of gray wolf. so they are actually the same but the mexican gray wolf just specifies the region its in whereas the gray wolf is more of an umbrella term. :)

What is the scientific name of a common wolf?

The Gray wolf is Canis Lupus. The red wolf is Canis Rufus.

What is a good name for a gray wolf?

Wolfy GreyMack

What is the correct ways to write the scientific name for gray wolf?

The scientific name for grey wolf is Canis lupus.

Name of the great gray lone wolf in The Jungle Book?

The Great Gray Lone Wolf in "The Jungle Book, by Rudyard kipling was Akela.