There is no specific collective noun for gray wolves. The collective nouns for wolves are a herd of wolves, a pack of wolves, or a rout of wolves.
The Great Gray Lone Wolf in "The Jungle Book, by Rudyard kipling was Akela.
gray wolf
No, the noun 'wolf' is a singular noun; a word for one of this type of mammal.A collective noun is a noun used to group people or things in a descriptive way.The collective nouns for a group of wolves are 'a pack of wolves' and 'a route (rout) of wolves'.
How many gray wolves are there in Russia
The largest (and therefore arguably the strongest) of the wild wolves is the gray wolf (sometimes called the timber wolf). Interestingly, the gray wolf co-existed with the dire wolf, which was larger than the gray (and presumably stronger). They were competitors for some 100,000 years back in the the Pleistocene era. But the dire wolf died out about 10,000 years ago. A link to the Wikipedia article on the grey wolf is provided. What the heck. Let's include a link to the article on the dire wolf as well.
Another name for the gray wolf is tha canis lapus or the timber wolf
Grey wolves have many names including :- Gray Wolf (in America), Timber Wolf or simply Wolf
the gray wolf got its name from its unique gray coloring, no one knows for sure who first called them " Gray wolves"
Another name for the gray wolf is tha canis lapus or the timber wolf
The gray wolf is also known as the timber wolf. They are found in many biomes. Their genus and species is Canis lupus.
The scientific name for a wolf is Canis Lupus.Most wolves are subspecies of Canis lupus, the Gray Wolf.
Because its grey
there are two species of wolves. the red wolf and the gray wolf. the mexican gray wolf is a type of gray wolf. so they are actually the same but the mexican gray wolf just specifies the region its in whereas the gray wolf is more of an umbrella term. :)
The Gray wolf is Canis Lupus. The red wolf is Canis Rufus.
Wolfy GreyMack
The scientific name for grey wolf is Canis lupus.
The Great Gray Lone Wolf in "The Jungle Book, by Rudyard kipling was Akela.