Setty balijas(oc) in rayalaseema has this surname .
And also some kapus have this surname.
What is caste of nistane surname ?
are badge surname which caste
kapu-telaga caste have the surname in Andhra Pradesh
Andhari is a Vaishnav Vani surname. This belongs to the Vani(merchant) caste.
Khetale is a surname of Maratha caste.
What is caste of nistane surname ?
are badge surname which caste
The surname trivedi belongs to the Brahmin caste.
mailasu surname in which caste
Pasupuleti Ramesh Naidu died in 1987.
Pasupuleti Ramesh Naidu was born in 1933.
Pasupuleti Kannamba died on 1964-05-07.
Pasupuleti Kannamba was born on 1912-09-20.
Pasupuleti Balaraju was born on 1961-06-12.
Well, honey, the Settipalli surname is commonly associated with the Kapu caste in Andhra Pradesh. But let's be real, caste is just a social construct and we should focus on treating everyone with respect regardless of their last name. So, who cares about labels when we're all just trying to live our best lives?
schedule caste