

Best Answer

As reported by the world health organization

Average height of a North American Male (with or without Crohns) 5 foot 9 inches

Average height of a North American Female (with or without Crohns) 5 foot 4 inches

These statistics do not change because of Crohns disease, Crohns disease is an ailment of the digestive system.

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Q: What is the average height of a person with crohn's disease?
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Related questions

Can a person have esophageal spasms first then later on get Crohns disease?

Crohns symptoms can occur from mouth to anus. It is likely the original esophageal spasms were symptoms of Crohns disease that were undiagnosed until later.

What are the effects of the flu on a person with crohns disease?

Actually, the symptoms of Crohns disease are very similar to those of the flu. Most undiagnosed Crohns patients believe for a long period of time that they actually have the flu when in fact they are having a flare of Crohns disease. On the reverse, a veteran patient of Crohns will often experience the symptoms of the flu and suspect they are having a flare. The treatments for each are very different, so a Crohns patient needs to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

How can you get Crohn's disease?

Doctors still are not quite sure how patients develop Crohn's disease, but as many chronic illnesses, they believe it is directly related to a person's genetic structure, and is often passed down through families. However, Crohn's is definitely not contagious.Crohn's Disease can run in families, by genetic or ethnic reasons.

What is the average height of an Indian?

there is no average height of an Indian it is like saying what is an average height of a white or black person there is not an answer

How does Crohns Disease affect the person with the disease?

well my sister has crohns disease,and it affects everyone. but to answer your changes their diet so they cant have certain foods,they have to take their meds or whatever they do to control it everyday or when needed, and deal with the pain and other medical problems that come with it. i know of a website that might help but im not sure so I'll give it to you anyway.

Can you get crohns disease if family members had it?

A correlation between the risk of presenting with Crohns and family history is indeed noted. It is not necessarily passed from parent to child but many patients find a family history of gastrointestinal problems. A person's genes and environmental factors both seem to play a role in the development of Crohn's disease.

What to call a lower than average height person?

You call a lower-than-average height person vertically challenged.

What is the average weight of person who is 29?

their is no average weight, it is determined by your height

Can crohns disease be in your mouth?

A thyroid nodule can sometimes cause a person to feel some level of discomfort when they swallow. A thyroid nodule is lump in or on the thyroid gland. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck, near the Adam's apple.

What is crohn disease and can you catch it?

Crohn's Diesease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease. It involves an immune reaction against the intestinal tract. The diet of the person affected with this disorder varies. It is imperative you speak with the parents of the child to ask what he or she can eat.

What is the average height of a dutch person?

According to Wikipedia, with data from 2008, the average height of males is 1.843m and the average height of females is 1.702m.

What is the average weight of a person who is 7' 10?

There probably isn't an average weight for a person who is sevn foot ten, since that is not an average height.