The average annual salary for a plumber in Canada is $52,000. In the United States, the average salary for a plumber is $49,140.
$56,700--$76,700. You can check Canadian association of firechiefs for more info.
The management salary for banks in Canada can vary greatly, but they do come out to a good average. The average management salary is 34,940 dollars per year.
The average salary for a Canadian doctor is around $115,000.
R15000.00 per month
The average annual income for a pharmacist is $114,000. The average salary for a veterinary pharmacist is $89,000 per year.
The average annual salary in Canada in 1948 was around $2,900 CAD.
The average annual salary for a plumber in Canada is $52,000. In the United States, the average salary for a plumber is $49,140.
80000/- indian currencie
The average annual salary for a physician assistant varies by location and employer. The average annual salary in California is $70,000. The average annual salary in New York City is $89,000.
The answer depends on the company they work for.
The average annual salary in Canada in 1955 was around $3,500. However, it's important to note that this figure can vary depending on the source of the data and the methodology used to calculate it.
The average annual salary in the UK in 1990 was 13,760. In 2014, the average annual salary is closer to 28,000.
The average annual salary was $1236.
The average annual salary for a systems administrator is $75,000. The average annual salary for a senior IT system administrator is $92,000.
The average annual salary is about INR 10,00,000