The lighthouse was actually a full scale movie prop, with the backside consisting of 2 by's supporting plywood sheathing. The concrete and other building materials were actually very well textured and painted fiberglass. I remember walking about the thing before the scenes were shot. It was located on the westernmost side of Pensacola beach (Florida) in the Ft. Pickens national park.
No. The one you are thinking of is Keiko who died back in 2003.
The organization in Animal Planet's hit show Whale Wars is the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a radical environmentalist group focused on protesting whaling. They mostly try to interfere with whaler's plans.
whales get as big as three school busses i do not know but they can weigh over thirteen tons! answered by Nathaniel hendricks
the charcater Pearl from "Spongebob Squaepants" is indeed a whale to be more specific she is a humpback whale
Killer whale Killer whale Killer whale
its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale its the different parts on a killer whale
a killer whale is faster
The killer whale is surprisingly not a whale that Is what is often misleading about them. The killer whale is actually a species of dolphin in the oceanic dolphin family delphinidae the reason it got its name is because people saw the dolphin hunting and killing whales at first the killer whale was called the killer of whales but then it eventually got shortened to killer whale
the killer whale would win
Killer whale's are from the Dolphin Family. Killer whale's are the largest member of the Dolphin Family.
Yes the killer whale is a mammal ! The killer whale is a cetacean and is a dolphin in the group delphinidae.
A Killer Whale, or Orca, is a type of whale. All whales are aquatic mammals, so a Killer Whale is a mammal.
A killer whale does not have a horn.
A killer whale is classified as a mammal.
killer whale.
a killer whale is actually a spicies of dolphin NOT a type of whale