94000130 fffb0000
d5000000 000000fc
b21c4d28 00000000
b0000004 00000000
c0000000 0000000b
d7000000 00024620
dc000000 00000006
d2000000 00000000
you'll find the codes for all of them on this website
no you have to get is from an action replay or go to a Pokemon event
action replay
No, the action replay doesn't do that. You can only get Money and Item cheats from it.
Missingno is not avalible in Pokemon Diamond without help of the Action Replay.
I don't think that there is such thing but maybe with an action replay.
Action replay
Action replay is not an Pokémon item that can be obtained in Diamond.
Go to neoseekers.com
no you have to get is from an action replay or go to a Pokemon event
There is no way to get treecko unless its from ME Mystry event but you be able to get if you get pokesav you download it pokesav.org with a manual on how to use it
action replay
its a cheat
action replay
Action replay.
action replay
action replay