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Q: What is the Cherokee Indian translation for the word ocean?
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What is the Cherokee translation for the word sun?


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George is a name, not a word, so there isn't a "translation" for it.

What is the Cherokee Indian translation for the word sun?

In Cherokee, the word for sun is "ᏅᏙᎢ" which is pronounced as "nvdo." The Cherokee language is a complex language with its own unique writing system known as the Cherokee syllabary, created by Sequoyah in the early 19th century. The Cherokee people have a deep connection to nature and the sun holds significant cultural and spiritual importance in their beliefs and traditions.

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Who led the Cherokee to Indian territory?

an Indian dude

What is the Cherokee translation of wind?

The Cherokee word for wind is ganolvvsgv or oonoley or unole or unule

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What is the native American translation for the word drum?

Cherokee: Ahulihand drums are the ones that are sometimes called "tomtoms" by non-native people--contrary to popular belief, tomtom is not an American Indian word, but rather an old British word for a child's drum toy.