what is the aa rate per km?
What is the travel rate per km in SA from JHB to nelspruit with a Toyota
That will depend on the value of your car; there is an official table for Fixed, Fuel and Maintenance cost/kilometre used for travel allowance claims: http://www.sars.gov.za/Tools/Documents/DocumentDownload.asp?FileID=45261
What is the CPIX rate for south Africa in 2011
Currently, the VAT rate in South Africa, is set at 14%.
The starting rate for an industrial psychologist in South Africa is equivalent to approximately $30,000. The pay rate seems to be negotiable.
The automobile formula, rate per kilometer originated in South Africa. The formula is rate times time equals distance traveled per kilometer.
Fuel is sold by the liter in South Africa not by the kilometer.
That will depend on the value of your car; there is an official table for Fixed, Fuel and Maintenance cost/kilometre used for travel allowance claims: http://www.sars.gov.za/Tools/Documents/DocumentDownload.asp?FileID=45261
What is the CPIX rate for south Africa in 2011
In 2017, South Africa's Infant Mortality Rate was 31 deaths/1,000 live births.
Currently, the VAT rate in South Africa, is set at 14%.
I live in south africa and the crime rate is not that high anymore
Why is South America and Africa moveded apart?
Zimbabwe As of 2010: South Africa