it is ment to be gatorade. just a ripoff. just like pearbook is a ripoff of macbook and pearphone is a ripoff of iphone
Take a small or 8-12 oz. bottle of Fiji water and mix in a bottle dosage of Crystal Light or any style and flavor of drink mix that can be mixed in a bottle of water itself. (Mixing flavors with applicable colors along with the Fiji water bottle will give you the actual Blix drink featured on Zoey 101 minus the Blix label). ;) You Mix two colors of Blix together the best is blue and red coolaid!
Blix is a made up beverage in Zoey101 that is supposed to resemble a common beverage such as Gatorade. They can't use a real brand name on the show because of copy right reasons so they make up a similar concept. They do that a lot on Nickelodeon shows.
ich glaube es ist für die serie erfunden in mir aber nicht sicher
Michael Blix died in 1870.
No there are not, it is just a parody of Gatarade
Take a small or 8-12 oz. bottle of Fiji water and mix in a bottle dosage of Crystal Light or any style and flavor of drink mix that can be mixed in a bottle of water itself. (Mixing flavors with applicable colors along with the Fiji water bottle will give you the actual Blix drink featured on Zoey 101 minus the Blix label). ;) You Mix two colors of Blix together the best is blue and red coolaid!
Zoey 101 - 2005 Hands on a Blix Van 3-20 was released on: USA: 18 November 2007
In the U.S.A. no. In Europe Proboly
Blix is a made up beverage in Zoey101 that is supposed to resemble a common beverage such as Gatorade. They can't use a real brand name on the show because of copy right reasons so they make up a similar concept. They do that a lot on Nickelodeon shows.
ich glaube es ist für die serie erfunden in mir aber nicht sicher
Ragnvald Blix was born in 1882.
Michael Blix was born in 1786.
Elias Blix died in 1902.
Elias Blix was born in 1836.
Magnus Blix was born in 1849.