An Afro is supposed to intensify the emotions of people. So the emotions of Luffy are gonna get intensified viz his anger, his intention to protect his nakama in the boxing math and hence it is given good amount of importance.
In episode 94.
Disco Steve is the one who has an Afro on in the Simpson.
He doesnt have any girlfriend .. but Boa hancock is fell in love with luffy.. in the early episode they said nami was his girlfriend but theres no word entire the whole episode that nami was luffys girlfriend...
Luffy - Gomu Gomu no mi - Rubber rubber fruit, Tony Tony Chopper - Hito Hito no mi - Human human fruit, Nico Robin - Hane Hane no mi - Bloom bloom fruit, Brook - Yomi Yomi no mi - Rebirth fruit.
There have been a few musical characters in One Piece. However presumably the question is asking about the Straw Hat crew's musician, 'Humming' Brook. He is an animated skeleton, who (when alive) ate the 'Yomi Yomi' fruit, which granted him the power to return to life. However his soul took so long to find his body, that only his skeleton (and afro) was left.
In episode 94.
Monkey D. Dragon is Luffy's father and Portgas D. Rouge is his mother. They are both connected to key events in the One Piece story.
Disco Steve is the one who has an Afro on in the Simpson.
it can to a ciertain point. to stretch is one thing but to do Hone Fusen, is hard to attain
You cannot grow an afro unless you were born with one like me !!
no it his uncleluffys dad is monkey d. dragon. he might be his uncle.Strong points that they may be related:Ace was adopted by the "monkey family" (luffy,dragon,garp)Ace is Gol D. Roger son, (not Gold Roger or Gold D. Roger)"Will of D"
It's one of those popular "Afro" prefixes popping up on everything in the United States these days. In Cuba, afro-cubans are just cuban.
One - "Afro Samurai: Resurrection" but there may be an upcoming live-action version .
Yes she does a ginger one
I believe both of his parents are afro-Latinos
He doesnt have any girlfriend .. but Boa hancock is fell in love with luffy.. in the early episode they said nami was his girlfriend but theres no word entire the whole episode that nami was luffys girlfriend...