In the book, we're not told much about the Dormouse, except that he's always falling asleep (and the Hatter and March Hare keep waking him up). He's definitely small enough to fit into a teapot.
There have been many play adaptations of Alice in Wonderland written. Some have been published and some are written by amateurs for specific productions, so it is impossible to say how large any given part is, as it will vary from version to version.
However, assuming the play sticks closely to the original novel, then no, the Dormouse is not a big part.
The only large part would be Alice. As she travels through Wonderland she meets many people (and animals and other creatures) none of whom appears for very long.
In his book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll never explains why the Dormouse is so very sleepy, but dormice are well known for sleeping a lot and the word 'dormouse' even means 'sleeping mouse'.
Dormice are hibernating creatures, so spend much of the winter sleeping, and they are also nocturnal, so when observed during the day, they are very likely to be asleep. Thus the perception of dormice in general, and therefore the Dormouse in Alice in Wonderland, is that they are hardly ever awake.
In the original book, tea is poured onto his nose.
`The Dormouse is asleep again,' said the Hatter, and he poured a little hot tea upon its nose.
In Disney's 1951 animated movie, jam is put on him.
March Hare: Hurry! Give the jam! Quickly! Give the jam! On his nose! Put it on his nose!
Mad Hatter: On his nose, on his nose!
Alice's birthday is May 4. The year is unknown but is probably either 1858 or 1852. Lewis Carroll doesn't specify Alice's birthdate in the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. However, in Through the Looking Glass she says that she is "seven and a half exactly". Because she has previously mentioned watching the bonfire the boys have been building "tomorrow" we can assume that it is November 4, the day before Guy Fawkes night. If this is her half birthday, we can deduce that her birthday is May 4, which is both the date that Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is set and the real Alice, Alice Liddell's, birthday. There are no clues as to what year the book is set, but if we assume that it is set in the year it was publised, which is 1865, then she would have been born in 1858. However, if she shares her birth year with the real Alice, as well as her birth day, then she was born in 1852.
Technically "Alice Cullen" was never in asylum. Mary Alice Brandon (her human name) was. James attacked her though and somehow she lost her memory and that might be why she was put there.
She got tiny
After she has picked up the Rabbit's white gloves and fan, Alice fans herself and wonders aloud whether she still is Alice or if she has been substituted for someone else. She then realises that she must have shrunk while she was thinking as she has put on one of the Rabbit's gloves. She surmises that the fan must be the cause, so she quickly throws it away. She then slips and falls into the pool of tears which she wept when she was larger.
The Duchess was sentenced to death for boxing the Queen of Hearts' ears.`It's--it's a very fine day!' said a timid voice at her side. She was walking by the White Rabbit, who was peeping anxiously into her face.`Very,' said Alice: `--where's the Duchess?'`Hush! Hush!' said the Rabbit in a low, hurried tone. He looked anxiously over his shoulder as he spoke, and then raised himself upon tiptoe, put his mouth close to her ear, and whispered `She's under sentence of execution.'`What for?' said Alice.`Did you say "What a pity!"?' the Rabbit asked.`No, I didn't,' said Alice: `I don't think it's at all a pity. I said "What for?"'`She boxed the Queen's ears--' the Rabbit began. Alice gave a little scream of laughter.
San pelagreno
with a balloon
You put the carrot on Fregley's Nose which is in the middle of Greg's and Rowley's house
After the Duchess gave Alice her baby, the baby turned into a pig. Alice then put the pig down and it ran off into the woods. The whole situation added to the confusion and chaos of Wonderland.
Bake a cake put white icing on it then write "Eat Me" on it. By the way, it won't shrink you.
Use it to put the nose on the snowman (Fregly) beside Rowleys house. Nothing will happen.
To dress as Alice, you need to find a blue dress with a white apron. To dress as the mad hatter, you need a big green hat with a piece of paper in the brim. You also need to be drinking a cup of tea.
if your talking about Fregley or whatever his name is, just get the leaf blower from the garage, get the carrot and put it on his nose then blow the snow off of the snowman which is him. ^_^ hi.
Alice's birthday is May 4. The year is unknown but is probably either 1858 or 1852. Lewis Carroll doesn't specify Alice's birthdate in the book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. However, in Through the Looking Glass she says that she is "seven and a half exactly". Because she has previously mentioned watching the bonfire the boys have been building "tomorrow" we can assume that it is November 4, the day before Guy Fawkes night. If this is her half birthday, we can deduce that her birthday is May 4, which is both the date that Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is set and the real Alice, Alice Liddell's, birthday. There are no clues as to what year the book is set, but if we assume that it is set in the year it was publised, which is 1865, then she would have been born in 1858. However, if she shares her birth year with the real Alice, as well as her birth day, then she was born in 1852.
The thief in the Queen of Hearts kitchen was the Knave (Jack) of Hearts, as depicted in Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." The Knave was accused of stealing the Queen's tarts and put on trial for the crime.
you just have to go to and look up "How do you beat wimpy wonderland island?"
put it on the snowman with glasses