His behavior was an overt example of his selfishness.
Explanation: If the behavior was swindling his siblings out of some of their rightful inheritance, it was a very open example of his selfishness.
there is a two types of behavior ,the overt and covert OVERT-things that we do outwardly expressed COVERT-that cannot be seen by our naked eyes.
The chances are that they will see a cute guy and... posibly.... fight overt him. That's what might happen
It is not stated that are not, there are no overt statments in the films they are not and since we are talking of one writer, Probably
Betty Boop possesses overt sex appeal and she is found to be universally charming to a wide array of audiences across the years .
overt method
the man's overt mistreatment of his dog shocked the neighbors.
Overt, insert, exert.
covert = hidden overt = out in the open/clear
Overt means open, so an overt gay person is someone who is prepared to show that he or she is gay, usually by their actions, their dress, or their conversation.
Overt behavior is openly displayed, covert behavior is concealed.
An overt is a message that is obvious, clear and open, not private or secret or unclear.
Covert is unknown overt is known.
An overt is a message that is obvious, clear and open, not private or secret or unclear.
those biasthat have or can be accurately measured in observational study, are called overt biases
Most observers took the senator's speech as an overt bid for his renomination.
His masquerade as a rich man was so overt that he fooled nobody.