is we are a rainbow nation in zulu
Dingane was a general in the Zulu army, and a successor of Shaka...he did not attack the Zulu
Shaka Zulu, son of Senzangakhona, so his tribal name was kaSenzangakhona.
Zulu is the language spoken by around 10 million Zulu people who mostly live in South Africa. The Zulu word for recycle is 'kabusha'.
zulu's eat meat, but they eat other interesting food also like sour milk, beer, maize meal porridge, stamped maize, lamb stew and kidney bean stew
The word for uncle in Zulu is "mhlekazi".
The Zulu word for shield is "isihlangu."
irl in Zulu
british and Zulu
Muffin in Zulu is "imfenqe".
Bachelor in Zulu is "umnumzana."
'sprout' in Zulu is 'ukutowa'.
January in Zulu is "Januwari."
A number of Zulu warriors were called an Impi