Resolution is the number of pixels that make up the picture on your t.v. or computer screen. 1920x1080 means that there are 1,920 individual colored points of light across your screen's width and 1,080 across its height for a total of 2,073,600 pixels. Each pixel is capable of changing color as needed to display images on your screen. The higher the screen's resolution, the clearer the images it can display.
1080p represents an HD signal format. It is constructed with an image resolution of 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high. The "p" stands for progressive scan. Progressive means that the image is built up one line after the other starting from the top line (line 1) and drawing every line of the image to line 1080 (the bottom of the image). Compare that to 1080i, meaning an interlaced scan. In this case, half of the image is drawn on a single pass drawing every odd numbered line (1, 3,5, .. 1077, 1079). The next pass will draw all the even numbered lines to complete a full image.
1080p60 means that the complete image is drawn 60 times each second. 1080i60 means that the a half image is drawn 60 times each second, so a full image is refreshed 30 times each second. To produce a 1080p signal requires twice the data rate of a 1080i signal.
Currently, live television is not broadcast as a 1080p signal other than some rare exceptions. 1080p can be found in signals from games consoles, disc players and computer displays.
the resolution of stargirl is when they fall in love
Resolution of clash of the titans
The climax is the resolution.:)
Usually the more pixels you have, the clearer or higher the resolution you have.
The resolution is that Bella gets edward back!
yes 1920x1080 is known at 1080p High Definition the other main HD resolution is 1280x720 (720p)
1920X1080 resolution is a 1080p screen. This type of resolution brings you the highest quality from your brand new LCD television for you to be able to enjoy.
the best resolution of a monitor is the maximum it can handle, i.e 1920x1080 would be best on a hdtv or a monitor which has its maximum of 1920x1080.
1920x1080 witch is full hd
1920x1080 pixels. This is the resolution of full HD
Yes, if by hi def you mean 1080p which is a standard resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, it can. If your graphics card/monitor can handle it, you can play on maxxed (ultra) settings and a very high resolution.
If the picture you find is the same dimensions as your screen it shouldn't be blurry or pixelated. For example, if you have a 1920x1080 screen resolution and you look up a 1920x1080 picture, it will not be blurry. If it is, the picture is too small or your personalization settings are incorrect.
The recommended h264 resolution for high-quality video streaming is 1920x1080, also known as 1080p.
if not then please tell me what is the best resolution for my screen and the specification of laptop it says 1366x768,so does this mean its the best resolution for my laptop or i can watch higher.
The Panasonic HVX200 video camera is capable of recording high quality video at a resolution of 1920x1080. Panasonic equipment is well known for its reliability.
When looking for high resolution monitors it's important to know the exact type you want, as it can affect the aspect ratio (width to height) of the screen. 1920x1080 pixels is a common high resolution for a monitor. They can be found, often with great deals on price, online at NewEgg. Auction websites are another good place to look, and physical stores such as electronics 'warehouses' and mass merchandisers often have them on sale as well.