In addition to State and Federal Laws, many cities have their own local laws. It it seems to you that a specific act, action or activity might be against the law, then it just might be wise to step back from it and seek the counsel of a qualified attorney before proceeding.
No, it is not a crime to runaway in the state of Arizona. Some states where it is illegal to runaway are Idaho, Kentucky, and South Carolina.
No, it is illegal to remove any cactus, living or dead, from deserts in Arizona.
I believe that at least in the US state of Arizona harming a saguaro in any manner, including cactus plugging, is illegal by state law, and when houses or highways are built, special permits must be obtained to move or destroy any saguaro affected.
The Southern part of Arizona has a desert climate.
Arizona Tea
Adultery is not illegal in Arizona.
They are illegal in Arizona sorry
No they are not illegal.
Nope, it is illegal to text while driving in Arizona though.
Yes, online gambling is illegal in Arizona.
Yes, online gambling is illegal in Arizona.
By definition fraud, of any kind, is illegal.
it is not legal.
No, they are not.
Arizona law says it's illegal to shoot a camel.
no :)