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Trigonal planar

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Q: What is electronic geometry for h2co?
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What is the bond angle of h2co?

The bond angle of formaldehyde (H2CO) is approximately 120 degrees. This angle is due to the molecule's trigonal planar geometry, which results from the repulsion between the electron pairs in the molecule.

What is the electronic geometry of BCl3 Enter the electronic geometry of the molecule.?

trigonal planar

What is the c hybridization of of H2CO?

The carbon atom in formaldehyde (H2CO) is sp2 hybridized. This is because it has a trigonal planar geometry due to the three sigma bonds formed by overlap of one s and two p orbitals of carbon atom.

What is the electronic geometry of bi3?

What is the electronic geometry of Bi_3? Enter the ... Thus, the total number of electrons in the molecule will be 24. There are no lone pairs in boron. Three electron domains are thus present in this molecule. Therefore, the electronic geometry of B I 3 is trigonal planar.

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The electronic geometry about the carbon atom is: tetrahedral The orbital hybridization about the carbon atom is: sp^3 The molecular geometry about the carbon atom is: tetrahedral

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Is H2CO polar or no polar molecule?

H2CO (formaldehyde) is a polar molecule because it contains polar covalent bonds due to the difference in electronegativity between carbon and oxygen atoms. The geometry of the molecule also results in an overall dipole moment due to the uneven distribution of electron density.

What it the electron geometry for PF3?

The electron geometry ("Electronic Domain Geometry") for PF3 is tetrahedral. The molecular geometry, on the other hand, is Trigonal Pyramidal.