Gwen is voiced by Megan Fahlenbock .
Christian Potenza provides the voice of Chris.
Annick Obonsawin
Cody Anderson is voiced by Peter Oldring .
The 'original' voice of noddy was Actress Denise bryer. most of her work was for BBC radio drama. married to actor Nicholas Parsons.
when all characters move at different time but doing same actions
A voice that stands out over the rest
Without a voice, you're just a mime.
Clear voice
Clear voice
StaffStaffdrew nelson
Marco Grazzini, does the voice for Alejandro Burromuerto
The elevation in drama means how high ur voice is
of how fast or slow your voice is!!
Rise on the tone of your voice By ROkii
of how fast or slow your voice is!!
is it the way you are talking .eg how loud