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In this state a person defending the defendant is called the defense attorney.

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Q: What is called a person defending the defendant?
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What is the person being sued called?

The defendant. The one being accused of a crime.

What is the name of the person on trial in a court of law?

The person on trial in a court of law is typically referred to as the defendant. They're the one being accused of a crime and trying to prove their innocence... or guilt, if they're not too bright. Just remember, it's innocent until proven guilty, but some folks make it pretty darn obvious.

What is the person filling a lawsuit called?

The person filing a lawsuit is the Plaintiff. The person they are suing is called the defendant.

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In civil law, the party who is served with the papers beginning the civil action, and is defending the lawsuit is called the "defendant"; the party who brings the lawsuit is called the "plaintiff". In the strictest sense, the person in a criminal 'lawsuit' not a civil proceeding, is called a "defendant". The party, in the criminal action, who brings the lawsuit, a criminal proceeding, is called the "State". The representative for the criminal action against the is a Prosecutor. Please see the discussion page for further notions about using the word "defendant" instead of the label "accused" in a criminal proceeding.

What is the difference between the defendant and the plaintiffin civil court matters?

The plaintiff is the person or organization that INITIATES a legal action, against another person, who is called the defendant.

What is a person called who is being tried for a crime?

That would be the Defendant.

Can you give example of a sentence using the word defendant?

Defendant:noun: a person, company or party who is being sued or accused in court; the defending party.Example sentences:The plaintiff gave damaging evidence against the defendant.The judge ordered the defendant to be held without bail.The defendant was eventually awarded 2.5 million dollars.

What is the person called when he or she is in court?

It all depends why the person is there. If the person is charging another then he is called the plaintiff If he is being charged, then he is called the defendant. For additional info, look at

What is the name of both sides in a criminal case?

That will depend on whether the case is a civil or criminal trial. In a civil court case the two sides are the defendant and the plaintiff. For a criminal court it will be the defendant (the accused) and the government entity bringing the charges, usually the State or Country.

Who is a defendant?

A defendant is a person who is being tried.

What do you call the person being sued in a lawsuit?

The person being sued in a lawsuit is called the defendant.

The person the case is against is called the?

The person a case is held against is the "Defendant". The person holding the case against them is known as the "Plaintiff".