It was right for the Achaeans to destroy Troy. The war started when Paris of Troy took another king's beautiful wife, Helen.
Troy's (Zac Efron's) last name in High School Musical 1, 2 and 3 is Bolton.
No, in Greek mythology no one had a last name.
Ancient Greece
king troy
Another name for Troy
Ilium, another name for ancient Troy.
Cowboy Troy's birth name is Troy Coleman.
Pastor Troy's birth name is Micah Troy.
Troy Brohawn's birth name is Michael Troy Brohawn.
Troy Cooper's birth name is Troy Nathaniel Cooper.
Troy Manandic's birth name is Troy Taylor Manandic.
Troy Mallory's birth name is Troy Christopher Mallory.
Troy Rudolph's birth name is Rudolph, Bryan Troy.
Troy Sadowski's birth name is Troy Robert Sadowski.
Troy Romzek's birth name is Troy Michael Romzek.