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Okay this anime has everything you requested! Its called kaitou saint tail its a pretty good anime!

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Q: What is a magical girl anime where the girl's magical identity gets revealed to someone and then the person is like What?
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Will why do you think? It steals the other persons well owned money, it creates new accounts that the person does not need, and it also just steals the other persons identity. Jeez

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Related to being under an actual magical spell, it means that someone is captivated by another person, or influenced by them.

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then the ticket isn't for you and you steal someone identity and ticket an apologize to the person today immediately

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It is believed that someone who knew about the secret annex revealed the location to the German authorities, leading to Anne Frank and her family being discovered and arrested. The exact identity of the person who betrayed them remains unknown.

Is Identity theft and mistaken identity the same thing?

Simply put, Identity Theft is where someone attempts (or succeeds) to use your identity to commit fraudulent acts. A couple of examples are to set up a credit cars account or taking out a loan. Once they succeed in getting the funds, they leave you with the bill. Mistaken Identity is where someone is mistakenly believes someone else is you. This normally is not from malicious intent and normally no money changes hands. If you are having problems with identity theft - go to - That site can help determine who exactly a person is.