tree master
grass ninja
mossy oak
magic stick
husky tree
I am sorry but i dont think that there is a code to hatch a turtwig from an egg, but if you breed a turtwig ,grotle ,or torterra w/a ditto a turtwig will come out of the egg.
Turtwig is able to learn Razor Leaf at level 13.
National Pokedex #387 - Turtwig
You have to get a turtwig in the beginning of the game. You have to get a turtwig in the beginning of the game.
Well, yes though it still evolves at level 18, if it olds a LAX TAG it means it raises somethiing to make you wonderful Turtwig go faster
"Turt" or "Twiggy" would be cute nicknames for Turtwig.
Trecko: Asbo Budew: Spud Turtwig: Sprout Snivy: Boa Shroomish: Forrest Bulbasaur: Gorge Chikorita: Mallow
according to me piplup is way better! especially when it finally evolves into empoleon. its completely unbeatable! turtwig is good but personally i would choose piplup
You can not get a Turtwig egg in Pokemon Platinum. But if you breed a Turtwig with a Ditto, then it is possible.
If you like 'Nan' as a nickname, then yes, it is a good nickname.
Turtwig is a starter pokemon in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, Torterra is one of the evolved forms of Turtwig.
YOU CAN'T! You can only get Turtwig by hacking, breeding, or trading with someone who has hacked or breeded a Turtwig.
turtwig is good but chimchar is about the same so I would pick turtwig because of torterra p.s. piplup sucks until he is Empoleon its you choice thers other good Pokemon of the same types in the game
At the start of the game pick Turtwig as your starter pokemon.
There is no such thing as turtwig city