Average time would be about 15-16 seconds
A good time would be 14 seconds
13 seconds or less is amazing (girls)
Average: 14-15 seconds
Good: 13 seconds
Amazing: 12 or less (would get you into States) (boys)
For a really good athlete who is a girl a time would be about 29 seconds. For a male it would be about 24 seconds. For girls a bad time would be around 35 and for a guy around 31.
It all really comes down to age, gender, and competition. So good for one person could be okay for another
The motto of Boys' Latin of Philadelphia Charter School is 'Faber Est Quisque Fortunae Suae'.
Well I haven't really ran it yet but the average time would be 6 seconds flat. Good luck
Bishops College's motto is 'Laudimus Viros Gloriosos'.
14. 56 is a good time
Any time under 40 seconds is a good time for the 300 Meter Intermediate Hurdles for high school boys.
its alright
for boys a good time would probably be 5:15 to 6:30 and for girls it would be 6:15 to 7:45
a 11.9 and lower is a good time
You're good if you are 14, 5'7" and 138 lbs., and can run the 40 yard dash in 4'72 and the 100 meter in 12 seconds.
If there were sports for animals a Cheetah would be good at the 100 meter dash.
13.50 by John Collins
30 seconds
Bad Boys Naughty Boys no-no boys
1min 10secs should be a good time