Or venerable, antique, mature, ancient, well-worn, used; and ( exclusively of people and animals) geriatric, elderly, senile (which, contrary to popular belief does not mean confused, demented, or gaga. In medicine the word is synonymous with late-onset, eg. senile cataract; senile Diabetes; etc.).
Movies with the word old in their titles include:- Old Dogs- Arsenic and Old Lace- Old School- The Old Man and the Sea- Grumpy Old Men
A lot of people say that the old ones are better, but I personally like the new ones.
gave it all my effort
a better word for brave is heroic (by a 10 year old!)
Good I'm guessing
A better word than "old" could be "vintage," "aged," or "mature."
* employment * tedium * better-than-the-alternative * "the old grind" * "the mills"
There is an obsolete Old English word, 'baetan' meaning 'to make better or stimulate'. There are some old Continental words based on the spelling of 'baitjanan' suggesting the idea of 'improving' a contest by betting
There is no single word for heats which is better.
A better word for "sweet" is "sugary."
It depends on whether you are referring to a person or a thing. A person who is old can also be called elderly. A better euphemism (a kind way to say something) is a "senior citizen." A thing that is old may also be called ancient: they discovered an ancient scroll that was about three thousand years old.
A better word for job would be occupation.
A better word for fierce would be vicious
Even better!
Ecclesiastes 7:8:KJV - Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.NLT - Finishing is better than starting. Patience is better than pride.