A baby sloth is simply called a baby sloth.
A baby Rhinoceros is called a 'Calf'...
The baby of a donkey is called a foal just like a horse baby is called. If it is a male foal of a donkey it is called a jack and if it is a female it is called a jennet or jenny.
A baby lion is called a cub
That depends on what type of waterfowl it is. A baby duck is called a duckling. A baby goose is a gosling. A baby swan can be either a cygnet or a flapper.
It is called a curdle wasp
A male wasp is called a drone
A baby wasp is a larval stage of a wasp that hatches from an egg laid by an adult female wasp. Baby wasps typically develop in nests or cells where they are cared for by adult wasps until they emerge as fully formed adults.
A young wasp is called a larva in its early stage of development. It later transforms into a pupa before emerging as an adult wasp.
No, a wasp's nest is not called a bike. A wasp's nest is typically referred to simply as a "nest" or a "wasp nest." The term "bike" does not generally refer to a wasp's nest.
A female wasp lay eggs and also they are worker bees which they are called queens.
trap it then call the wasp busters!
The insect that is called a yellow jacket in the US is called a wasp in the UK, so they are the same. Having said that, there are about 75,000 known species of wasp with widely varying body forms and habits.
A female wasp lay eggs and also they are worker bees which they are called queens.
It makes you cry like a baby