The motto of Otago Girls' High School is 'Recti Cultus Pectora Roborant - The Right Education Makes The Heart As Strong As Oak'.
The motto of Waitaki Boys' High School is 'Quanti est sapere'.
The motto of Sackville High School is 'To Not Try Is To Fail'.
The motto of Mfantsipim School is 'Dwen Hwe Kan'.
Alliance Girls High School's motto is '"Walk in the light"'.
The motto of Southend High School for Girls is 'Glory to God'.
The motto of Waitaki Boys' High School is 'Quanti est sapere'.
East Otago High School's motto is 'Vis Recte Vivere'.
Otago Girls' High School was created in 1871.
The motto of Sackville High School is 'To Not Try Is To Fail'.
The motto of Mfantsipim School is 'Dwen Hwe Kan'.
Mac.Robertson Girls' High School's motto is 'Potens Sui'.
jandy, lol lol lol
Alliance Girls High School's motto is '"Walk in the light"'.
Wesley Girls' High School's motto is 'Live Pure, Speak True, Right Wrong and Follow the King'.
The motto of PPEP TEC High Schools is 'Stiving for Academic Excellence'.
The motto of Baldwin Girls High School is 'Loyalty & Service'.
The motto of Asquith Girls High School is 'Learn to live'.