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I saw the movie once in the theater and 2 times at home. I don't recall any unusual helicopters. And there were helicopters in 2 or 3 scenes.

One scene, they board a helicopter at an airport. The helicopter is an ole Bell and I think it was a twin-engine UH-1N or Model 212. In the background was a smaller helicopter but not sure if it was a US-made Bell or maybe an European helicopter. Surprisingly, the movies continue to use the retired Bell helicopters in many of the "modern" combat scenes.

They were attacked by an enemy(Afghanistan?) helo at the beginning of the movie but I don't remember what it was. Usually, the movies use some European helo to represent an enemy a/c. Later in the movie, he shoots a small helo that could be a Messerchmidt-Bolkow MB-108.

Interesting observation that I noted when reviewing the on-line movie features: Mark Wahlberg is left-handed and fired some weapons left-handed but in the movie(as with most Army training requires) he shoots right-handed.


I flew one of the helicopters in that film. For the Philadelphia scenes there were four helicopters. The police helicopter was a Bell 206 Longranger IV, the news helicopter was a Eurocopter AS 350B, The FBI helicopter was a Twinstar, and the camera helicopter filming was also a ASD350B.

Hope this helps

I only caught the end of the movie just now. I was curious about the blue helicopter, at the end of the movie, that landed on the snow. I think both helicopters were Eurocopters. The blue one looked like a EC120 or EC130 and the red one looked like a AS350. ~sw

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13y ago

It is in-fact a dark green helicopter and it appears during the house raid

the 2 outlaws are just leaving the scene when a dark green chopper picks up there trail and opens fire on them.

they hide in a ditch and attempt to shoot it down using there snipers however this fails so 1 of the outlaws is forced to run across the field to draw the fire of the chopper while the other takes a shot at the blades.

this causes the blades to set fire and makes the chopper crash

end of scene

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14y ago

the helicopter is the Bell UH-1 Iroqouis, better known as the Huey. the Huey entered service in 1960 after 4 years of planning and consulting. the Huey was later replaced by the Blackhawk as the primary mode of helicopter transportation for the US armed forces, but some are still in use. During the Vietnam War, the Huey was utilized for transportation of men and supplies, as well as medical evacation. the huey was also outfitted to carry ordinance, called the UH-1C military variation. the gunship could support rockets and machine guns of different sizes on weapons racks set into the underside of wings attached to the sides of the aircraft

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12y ago

The helicopter used for the majority of the US Military scenes in the movie The Peacermaker starring George Clooney is the Eurocopter Dauphin (Dolphin) which comes in several different models and configurations.

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