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He is out to get mike because mike and Susan got into a car accident with his first wife and 4 year old daughter and they were killed. Dave thinks that Mike was driving the car that killed then when really it was Susan. Dave plots to take Mikes son, MJ, so he will know what it's like to lose a child.

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14y ago

He was admitted to a Mental Institution at the end of season 5 after trying to kill MJ Delfino to get revenge on Susan and Mike Delfino for killing Dave's wife and daughter in a car accident.

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15y ago

He was commited in a mental asylum

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Q: What happens to Dave Williams on desperate housewives?
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Who is married to edie on desperate housewives?

the character Dave Williams

Does mj die in desperate housewives?

Desperate housewives Neal mcdonough. Dave Williams. do not killed MJ Delfino your close. Friends. You. I can make you doing killed Mike Susan delfino right now doing for me. Neal mcdonough. Dave Williams your my boyfriend. Now

Does Dave kill susans boy in desperate housewives?

Dave isn't out to kill Susan's boy, he's after killing Mike, but MJ gets in the way. I don't know if MJ is dead but he's definitely injured.

What is Dave's secret in desperate housewives?

He is being treated by a doctor who specialises in the criminally insane, which means Dave has committed a crime in the past and not been sent to prison for it because he pleaded 'Insanity'. This means the court said he was not guilty because he was insane (not in his right mind) at the time, and was sent to a mental instutition instead. In Desperate Housewives, he has clearly been let out and since has met Edie, who does not know about his criminal past or monthly phonecalls with his psychiatrist.

Who are the men on desperate housewives?

Lynette Scavo- Tom, Bree Hodge- Orson, Susan Meyer-mike delfino, Edie Britt- Dave Williams, Gabrielle Soleis- Carlos, Katherine Mayfair- no longer married Angie Bolen-Nick. Bree had an affair with Carl (Susan's ex) but he's dead as a door nail (plane hit him). Edie Britt is now dead (Finally!). Catherine is mentally unstable (aka cuckoo).

How did astronaut Dave Williams die?

how did dave williams die

How tall is Dave Sebastian Williams?

Dave Sebastian Williams is 6'.

What is Dave Williams's birthday?

Dave Williams was born on February 29, 1972.

When was Dave Williams born?

Dave Williams was born on February 29, 1972.

Canadian actor Dave Foley is best known for appearing in which TV show?

Canadian actor 'Dave Foley' is best known for co-founding and appearing in the TV show 'Kids in the Hall'. He has been a guest actor in many other shows, such as Desperate Housewives, Will and Grace, Hot Properties and Scrubs.

When was Dave Williams - musician - born?

Dave Williams - musician - was born on 1972-02-29.

When did Dave Williams - musician - die?

Dave Williams - musician - died on 2002-08-14.