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The laws on adultery were against the woman. Men's adultery was never punished, but there were dire consequences for women who found lovers either within marriage or after separation. Maintenance would be stopped abruptly if there was even a whiff of another relationship. She was also isolated and condemned to a life of loneliness and isolation. Worst of all , she lost her children. A father had exclusive control of the children in any marriage. He owned them as he did his wife and in divorce he retained custody of them even if he were the guilty party. She might never see them again. Some women simply walked out on their husbands and newspapers are peppered with announcements of elopements and husbands in a hurry to disclaim their wife's debts.

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Q: What happened to women that committed adultery in the late 1800's?
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In the UK women gained the right to divorce in 1857 In Canada women gained the right to divorce their husbands in 1925 but only if he committed adultery, But in 1930 a woman could also divorce her husband if he abandoned her for over 2 years.

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