It looks like "mutual agreement". Either way its bad for her fans. Also she wanted to be with her children. That was more important.
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Sharon Resultan was the meteorologist on The Weather Channel. She left on March 6, 2009, to be a full time mom.
Well, actually The Weather Channel was bought by NBC, who sought to keep the more flamboyant on-screen meteorologists. Kristina Abernathy, along with Mark Mancuso, Rich Johnson, and Kristin Dodd were released from The Weather Channel at the same time. All four of these meteorologists were mature and able on-screen personalities who gave the weather reports in a straight-forward and agreeable manner. I considered them to be the true 'anchors' of the entire Weather Channel line-up. Sharon Resultan, Carl Parker and Mike Seidel fit this description, as well. NBC executives desired to turn The Weather Channel into a semi-entertainment entity, and deviate away from good, sturdy weather forecasts and reports. Bringing NBC's Al Roker aboard only added to this rather non-professional atmosphere which now permeates the channel. Kristina is a professional in every way, and I take it she felt it was a slap to all serious meteorologists to participate in NBC's 'weather entertainment and poor comedy banter between on-screen meteorologists', instead of giving the forecasts and reports in a mature and friendly manner. At the present time, The Weather Channel is filled with personalities whose sometimes ribald and tasteless attempts at humor are an embarrassment to watch (such as the ever-look-at-me actions of Stephanie Abrahms, who regularly makes crude remarks such as one to Mike Bettis as concerns long missions on the Space Shuttle, in which she stated that Bettis would enjoy drinking his own urine (which can be recycled and purified). To Mike Bettis' credit, he just dismissed the matter without prolonging the scum in which Abrams had placed the situation. Compare this to a cleaner and kinder exchange between Sharon Resultan and another on-screen forecaster, in which it is Halloween, and Sharon is asked what she is going as. Her reply, "A mommy". Quite a difference. And as with Kristina, Sharon kept it clean, nice, and short. No 'look-at-me' thing going on here. Then pawning-off Greg Forbes as 'Grand Master Dr. G'; or having the ever-full-of-himself Jim Cantore being proclaimed the 'Undefeated Champion of Weather'!? Good grief! Just what kind of nonsense is that!? If it is one thing The Weather Channel has correctly stated since its inception is that no person can beat Mother Nature. Now to their reckoning... Jim Cantore can. I've seen Mike Seidel taking more of a beating many more times out there in the elements than Cantore. And if it is looks that get people released from The Weather Channel... why is Cantore still there? If one turns the volume all the way down and watches Stephanie Abrahms, one could conclude she is not a professional meteorologist in-trusted with giving us sometimes life-saving information; but, is instead auditioning for an amateur stand-up comedy club. And, not making the cut, of course. Nothing professional in her frenetic body movements or delivery of some nonsensical bit of tripe. She seems rather desperate, in fact. NBC has been a shaky organization for a long time. Now they have their claws in a once quite agreeable and highly professional, respected weather channel. It will not end well. One last specific situation concerning Kristina Abernathy... When The Weather Channel started its little morning show with three meteorologist sitting in a 'Good Morning America'-type setting, Kristina substituted for one of the regulars. It was clear she did not like this less-structured situation, and coffee-talk manner of giving the weather to viewers. It was a situation of trading quips and having to fake smiles and laughter when one of the other meteorologists attempted to be 'entertainingly funny', but failed (as usual). At the end of this particular episode, Kristina was asked if she'd like to come back again and 'join the gang'. In her always polite manner she just sort of smiled and said, "Well.....". And let it die there. She did not want to be a part of this less professional method of doing the weather. And I agree with her 100%. My respect for her good taste and desire to present the weather in a manner befitting an audience (who did not need misplaced antics and quips) only made to reaffirm what most of us already knew about Miss Abernathy... she is professional with no desire to tell childish jokes or garner the spotlight on herself in the shameless manner of say... an Abrams or Cantore. I have little doubt that NBC took note of Kristina's negative feelings about turning professional weather forecasts and reports into an 'entertainment magazine'. The desired response for these 'intruders' was for Kristina to say, "Sure! I'd love to come back and join you all every morning!". Kristina has scruples. She wanted nothing to do with that segment of The Weather Channel, and didn't hide it. It appears NBC knew she would not be one of their bozos in the upcoming plans for TWC. I admire her immensely for that. And for the way she comports herself at all times. We all have different tastes, and with that said I know that some may like the changes at The Weather Channel. Some do not, and miss the more credible manner and kinder atmosphere that had kept The Weather Channel the staple viewing channel that it had been for over 20 years. Now, alas, with the loss of Kristina Abernathy, Rich Johnson, Mark Mancuso and Kristin Dodd; and the infusement of NBC's idea of over-drama and crude humor (basically a Weather Entertainment Magazine), I never turn to that station at all. I hope Sharon Resultan, Carl Parker and Mike Seidel will fare well in such an environment ... and not be changed by it. A 'Grand Era' has, indeed, come to an end for me. I suspect for others, also. Changes do not always equal 'progress'. Kristina Abernathy was a friend of viewers. A kind and thoughtful friend. And she had (and has) what is sorely lacking on The Weather Channel ... Class. She delivered the reports in an easy and personal manner without the nonsense. She was no stick-in-the-mud... and was always pleasant to us and her fellow-meteorologists. And she does have a sense of humor... but, one that does not come from the gutter or makes it seem as if the entire show is about her. She was dynamic and demure. Professional and personable. Intelligent and modest. She cannot be replaced. At the present time (March 17, 2016), Kristina is working as a communications coordinator for Cobb Energy Centre in Atlanta, Georgia, as well as some other business positions. You can find more about her present careers by doing a web-search. I can't place links here unfortunately. It is great to know such a wonderful person, great talent, highly educated woman is doing so well. What else would we want for someone who has always been our 'friend', and didn't treat us like we were children sitting in the peanut gallery? And I hope she is very happy. #:^) Best Wishes To All of All Opinions, TC
no Sharon fruit comes from Jerusalem. no Sharon fruit comes from Jerusalem.
The motto of Sharon School is 'Let There Be Light'.
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Sharon Resultan was the meteorologist on The Weather Channel. She left on March 6, 2009, to be a full time mom.
Sharon was born in Feb. 1965.
Yes. She left to be a full time mom.
Her picture has been removed from TWC personalities. Addendum: That original answer doesn't really address the question. It is not clear whether she has been let go by The Weather Channel. Cheryl Lemke, Dave Schwartz and Kristina Abernathy are also missing from the Personalities page, so it looks like the network has been cleaning house.
Hell yeah shes is. Racegoer is a race baiting nimrod that got owned on a you tube thread.Retard.
She was let go along with a number of the other OCM's after NBC/Universal completed the purchase of TWC from Landmark in an effort to cut costs in or around Feb. of 2009. Kristina Abernathy, Dave Schwartz, and Sharon Resultan, among others are all also seeking new employment. A major change to the programming schedule and a reshuffeling of the OCM's also occurred. "Dr." Heidi Cullen and her crew of "global warmers" are also all gone.
Sharon Elwell has written: 'Reach Out and Teach Someone' 'Channel your tv viewing / by Sharon Elwell'
Sharon muscat
On 9/09/99, Sharon Kemp emigrated to Melbourne, Australia.
He died yesterday (Jan.11, 2014).
Her child died along with her.
There is no widely known "Sharon model." It is possible that Sharon model refers to a specific individual or a technical term in a particular field. Further clarification would be needed to provide a more accurate response.