In the show Nina left becase the chosen one (Nina) and the Osirion (Eddie) had to be kept apart and her gran started getting ill again so she wasnt coming back. Hopefully in season 4. If there is one
In real life she had to finish her studies.
Nathalia Ramos plays Nina Martin in House of Anubis. You can find out who plays whom at It was weird how long it took imdb to list the cast for this show but it seems like they finally got caught up with it.
joy and nina are not sisters in the show they are frienmins because joy and nina both like fabian it saids on joy charter and who will win fabian,s heart nina or joy
Well its been said that Miranda Cosgrove will come on the show and play a character names Anna
If you check in wikipidia and type in house of anubis it will show you
Yes it is a real house it is in Liverpool, England but the only thing is that it is not filled with all of those mysteries.
Yes Nina and Fabian kiss on the lips on the last episode
Most likely not considering its a Nickelodeon show.
He will be on there.I think the show will be about him since Nina isn't returning.
i think season 2 of the show house of Anubis is going to be about all of the sibuna people is going to find or talk about all of the secrets and might find more of them in the house or it might show joy abck in the house of Anubis because if you watched the season premire joy is found out of not to be the chosen one and Nina is but the cup is out together so Nina will not get tooken away so they might show joy back on the house of Anubis [that's all of the things i think it is going to be about]
Nathalia Ramos plays Nina Martin in House of Anubis. You can find out who plays whom at It was weird how long it took imdb to list the cast for this show but it seems like they finally got caught up with it.
nathalia ramos who also played yasmin in bratz the first
joy and nina are not sisters in the show they are frienmins because joy and nina both like fabian it saids on joy charter and who will win fabian,s heart nina or joy
In house of hazards Nina kisses Fabian on the cheek because he saved her from BIG trouble. they do kiss properly in the prom episode though. they are annouced king and queen
Nina marten,faben bruter ,
the last episode of the show house of Anubis is house of forever
what r the names from the movie house of Anubis
The first episode of the show house of Anubis is house of secrets