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Attila was leading the Huns into the Western half of the Roman Empire to attack Rome in 452, when Pope Leo I rode out alone and talked to Attila, persuading him to turn back and not sack Rome. Attila was leading the Huns into the Western half of the Roman Empire to attack Rome in 452, when Pope Leo I rode out alone and talked to Attila, persuading him to turn back and not sack Rome.

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They met in 452 and the pope talked him out of sacking Rome.

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In 452 he met with Attila and persuaded him not to sack Rome.

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Q: What happened at the meeting between Pope Leo and Attila the Hun?
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What pope who met with Attila the Hun?

Pope Leo I, also known as Pope Leo the Great, is the pope who met with Attila the Hun. In 452 AD, Leo I traveled to meet Attila and successfully convinced him to spare the city of Rome from a planned invasion. This meeting is considered a significant event in the history of the papacy.

Who was Attila and what did Pope Leo the Great convince him not to do?

Attila was a barbarian invader and Pope Leo convinced him not to sack Rome.

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What pope who supposedly caused Attila and the Huns to turn away from Rome?

Leo I, Pope who convinced Attila to turn away from Rome without attacking. Check out

Which pope convinced Attila not to attack Rome in the fifth century?

Pope Saint Leo I, the Great

What did pope Leo say to Attila the Hun?

No one knows for sure, but whatever he said to Attila convinced him to not sack Rome.

What are the achievements of St. Leo the Great?

Pope St. Leo had many achievements but is, perhaps, remember for his meeting with Attila the Hun which stopped the invasion of Italy.For details on many of his other accomplishments, click on this link.

What King did Pope Leo Convince not to conquer Rome?

Pope Leo the Great convinced Attila the Hun to not invade Rome.

Which saint faced Attila the Hun?

Pope St. Leo I - The Great. Pope from September 29, 440 to his death November 10, 461. In 452, when the King of the Huns, Attila, invaded Italy and threatened Rome, Emperor Valentinian III sent Pope Leo and two high government officials to negotiate with Attila and convince him not to attack and plunder Rome. They were successful. Attila was so impressed by Leo that he withdrew. Unfortunately Leo's intercession could not prevent the sack of the city by the Vandals in 455, but murder and arson were repressed by his influence. .

What is the protocol when meeting the pope?

When meeting the Pope, one should be dressed in a nice attire such as a jacket and tie for men and a dress or suit for women. When the Pope approaches you, you should genuflect and you should address him as "Holy Father".

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The College of Cardinals chooses the pope in a secret meeting called a conclave.

Who bargained with atilla the great and saved the city of rome?

The pope (I don't remember his name) said that if Attila were to sack Rome, he would be ex-communicated from the church. Since Attila was a devout Christian, and did not want to be sent to hell, he did not attack Rome.