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Bass; Lunge; Perch; Sunfish; Catfish;

as a comment to the above: I have never caught a perch on this lake, but I have caught 2 walleye, some bass.

There is a creek in the North east corner, I used to fish this creek for trout when I was a kid not sure if any trout are in the lake now though.

I also have no idea how the walleye got there, it had to have been stocked at one time, its the only way. I know the muskie were stocked in the 60's, dropped from a plane is the rumour.

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12y ago

I fished it once.

Largemouth bass for sure. Caught several. Have heard from others who have caught several too.

And of course Panfish.

(Added answer from a local fisherman)

There are largemouth bass,sunfish,perch and minnows.

So far that is all I have caught in little lake in all my years of fishing.

I have heard there are catfish and carp but I have not caught any so I can't be sure. I am pretty sure I seen a rock bass as well but since I have not caught one and only seen it from a few feet away and only for a few seconds but I am positive it was a rock bass.

I will be fishing all this summer on that lake if I catch or see any other type of fish caught I will update this answer.

I live like one block from the lake and during the summer I fish at least once a day.

As I said I would update this if I seen any other types of fish and yesterday June 25th 2012 I was out on the lake as usual fishing for largemouth bass and I was paddling along the shore and I seen a carp or possibly a dogfish it was very big kinda brownish head but it had a bright reddish orange tail-fin I am not sure what this fish is but I seen it and I am going to do my best to catch one in the next coming years.

July 9th 2012 Caught a small mouth Bass today out on the lake surprised me didn't think there was any but they are there.

With this info the current list is pumpkin-seed sunfish, rock bass, large mouth and small mouth bass, carp or dogfish and yellow perch.

Still to confirm on this is the carp or dogfish and catfish who know maybe iull catch something different soon since I will be fishing there for the next few years I will keep this updated untill all fish in little lake Midland Ontario are listed here.

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