Well, it's a long story, but pretty much this sums it up:
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I can't answer that question fully, so I am just going to tell you one thing: the episode in which the whole Don Krieg thing started, or, you could say, when Sanji first appeared, not necessarily to the Straw Hats.
He appeared in Episode no: 20. I am not sure which Chapter he appeared in the Manga.
Around episode 30 when Luffy defeats Don Krieg.
Franky officially joins the Straw Hat Pirates in Episode 329 of the anime series One Piece. After the events at Enies Lobby, Franky decides to join the crew as their shipwright. His recruitment is a significant moment in the series as he brings his shipbuilding skills and strength to the crew.
None of them has still joined Luffy's crew. But Silvers Rayleigh is not gonna join the crew. Whether Jinbei joins or not will be decided in Chapter number 649.
There nothing Jimbei said or expressed that he had the intention to join the crew but he was with the crew to guard Luffy. At the moment Jimbei came with Luffy and Hancock to the Amazon island after the war. On my opinion, Jimbei will not join the crew or will not be allowed by Luffy to join the crew because he was too strong just to be a crew by Luffy and he also got a place to protect, his homeland.
I love kakashi so i liked the episodes were the new and improved naruto and sakura get kakashi's bells. I also liked kakashi gaiden. another great episode is 166. it's so beautiful and sweet and the animation gets really good for this 1 episode hahaa :3 but it depends if u like naruhina or not....
233 and joins the crew in episode 322 after Robin forces him to by grabbing his nuts
Franky officially joins the Straw Hat Pirates in Episode 329 of the anime series One Piece. After the events at Enies Lobby, Franky decides to join the crew as their shipwright. His recruitment is a significant moment in the series as he brings his shipbuilding skills and strength to the crew.
In Japanese culture, birth order is determined by seniority within the family among children with the same mother, rather than based on who was born first. Since Zoro and Sanji are from different mothers, Sanji can still be considered the second son in terms of seniority within his family.
who's franky yall haven't watched one piece you fackers a guy called jerry joins on episode 321 or 322
he doesn't join in an actual episode. only in the comics.
I believe you need to be accepted to work for Outsmart, the company that owns Smallworlds in order to join the Smallworlds Crew.
Episode 13
None of them has still joined Luffy's crew. But Silvers Rayleigh is not gonna join the crew. Whether Jinbei joins or not will be decided in Chapter number 649.
Christopher Columbus lied to his crew about the distance.
There nothing Jimbei said or expressed that he had the intention to join the crew but he was with the crew to guard Luffy. At the moment Jimbei came with Luffy and Hancock to the Amazon island after the war. On my opinion, Jimbei will not join the crew or will not be allowed by Luffy to join the crew because he was too strong just to be a crew by Luffy and he also got a place to protect, his homeland.