The episode number was number 6,NOT IN PURE!
Yes, at the end of the first season. To be precise on the last episode of the first season, which episode 52
Episode 6Episode 6
Kaito and the mermaid Luchia share a kiss in the episode called An Icy Kiss. This was the fifth episode in the first season of Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch.
Second season episode 54 also called "That Horizon"
Kaito in Mermaid melody Pitchi Pitchi Pitchi loves Luchia...i think he will always love her......
The episode number was number 6,NOT IN PURE!
Yes, at the end of the first season. To be precise on the last episode of the first season, which episode 52
Episode 6Episode 6
On exactly episode 52 he figures out Luchia's identity, that she was the mermaid that saved him.
On episode 52 on the first season.
Kaito and the mermaid Luchia share a kiss in the episode called An Icy Kiss. This was the fifth episode in the first season of Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch.
Luchia and Kaito kiss in episode 6 of the first season.
Second season episode 54 also called "That Horizon"
In Mermaid Melody Pure episode 14 & 28 Kaito finally remembers some parts of Luchia then on episode 32 he remembers every thing
Theres a boy named Kaito whom Luchia saved for the second time in her life. They both fall in love, its shown in certain episodes that they love each other. Luchia and Kaito first kiss on episode 6.
kaito loves luchia but michal was so stupid things to get kaito to heerself finaly she gone and kaito and luchia back together