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Clark does not Fly yet, He knows that he has the ability but he does know know how to use it. ( as of end of season 7)

In season 8-episode called prey he sort of flies to the top of a skyscraper. or he jumped

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

In Season 10, Episode 3, Supergirl, Kara tries to teach Clark how to fly. He does in fact take flight, but falls. In Season 10, he also "flys" and catches the daily planet, landing on the daily planet building, but he did not fly. If you watch carefully he super-jumps from a red truck.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Maybe in the Season finale, but that's not confirmed. (just watch the episode, and you'll see what I mean.)

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βˆ™ 11y ago

He learns at the VERY last episode of season 10 (in which it ends as well).

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Clark started learning how to fly in Season 10.

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Q: What episode of Smallville did clark learn to fly?
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Will clark fly in Smallville Season 9?


Will clark ever fly in Smallville?

yes infact he has already flown in an earlier episode while under the influcence of jor-el

What episode did Clark learn to fly?

Clark Fly's at the beginning of the series, he wakes up hovering over his bed when dreaming about Lana Lang. However he does fly properly for the first time in season 4 episode 1, although at this time he is possessed by Jor-el, so i wouldnt really count that as flying because its not really Clark.

Is Smallville goring to fly in season 9?

I am not sure I understand your question. If you ask if there is a ninth season the answer is yes. If you are asking if Clark is going to fly then the answer is no because they have a no flights no tights policy.

Why can't clark fly?

In the Smallville series, flight is a natural power for all Kryptonians however Clark was not capable of using the power of flight like all other Kryptonians (including Kara and Zod were) because in the Smallville series flight is seen as a superpower in which a Kryptonian has embraced their own history and heritage as a Kryptonian.

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It was a natural instinct. saiyans are BORN with the ability to take flight.

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When you learn to fly................. When you learn to fly................. When you learn to fly.................

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It cant learn fly but you have to make him learn fly.Fly is a hm. It cant learn fly but you have to make him learn fly.Fly is a hm.