he doesn't rly kill oruchimaru but itachi later traps oruchimaru in his sword for 1000 years
episode 212 or 213
It hasn't happened. You might be thinking of original episode 134
episode 120 or 130 or something... definitely 100-150 in shippuden. also in episode like 90 in normal naruto
look up episodes 135-140 in naruto shippuden to find out
Naruto and Sasuke kiss in original episode 3 and Shippuden episode 194. The sceen when Sakura gives Naruto the kiss of life isn't anime yet.
Sakura is not dead.
kakashi died in battle in naruto shippuden episode 425.....T_T
yes Saskue beats Itachi in episode 135-138.
season 15 you dumbolts
he doesn't
episode 212 or 213
Sasuke fights Deidara on episode 122
He never will come back.
Yes , he fought Orchimaru in Naruto for the sake of sasuke.