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Season 6 Ep 14

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Q: What episode does Niles faint at the sight of blood?
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Why do people faint at the sight of blood?

The smell or the thought of an ingury.

Are there any other words than faint?

Health term Faint:Pass out Sight term Faint: obscure

Is there a scientific name for fainting at the sight of blood?

The scientific name for fainting at the sight of blood is vasovagal syncope. It is a common response to triggers such as pain, stress, or the sight of blood, which can cause a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure leading to loss of consciousness.

Why do your knees go funny when someone describes how the hurt themselves?

It's because you're squeamish. It's like, when you can't stand the sight of blood and gore, but then you watch Saw or something. It makes you feel faint.

Why do some people faint performing blood sampling?

Some people may faint when performing blood sampling due to a condition called vasovagal syncope. This occurs when there is a sudden drop in heart rate and blood pressure, leading to a temporary loss of consciousness. The sight of blood or the thought of blood sampling can trigger this response in certain individuals.

What is the word for someone who loves the sight of blood?

The term for someone who loves the sight of blood is "hematolagnia."

What episode of Charmed where Prue had a stalker?

Season 3 episode 5 "sight unseen". X

Did Adam on little house on the prarie ever regain his sight?

Yes, Adam did regain his sight. On episode 10 season 7 of little house. The episode was called, "To see the light".

What is the meaning of ' sight to stir blood'?

Something that affects a viewer with strong emotions is said to be a 'a sight to stir blood'

What episode of mash did hawkeye go blind?

Episode 3 in season 5, "Out of Sight, Out of Mind". It was the shows 99th episode overall.

What episode of in plain sight do Mary and marshall kiss?

Season 1: Episode 3. "Never The Bride." 2008.

Why do some people faint when they see blood?

It's called Vasovagal syncope and it is the most common cause of fainting. Vasovagal syncope occurs when your body overreacts to triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. The trigger results in vasovagal syncope - a brief loss of consciousness caused by a sudden drop in your heart rate and blood pressure, which reduces blood flow to your brain.