Your car is equipped with Traction Control. This light means it is turned off.
You need a new front wheel bearing. Hook up to a computer to see which side it is. Alternative method is to wait until the light goes off and turn sharply both to the right and left if it cuts on in both directions you need both, otherwise it is the on the side that causes the light to come on.
The Digital Transmission Range sensor is a combination switch/sensor that detects what gear is selected by the shift lever, such as Park, Reverse, Neutral ect.. It has a switch in it that only allows the vehicle to be started in Park and Neutral.
trac adkins. Still trying to find full song on the net
Those lights stay on when there is a malfunction in the ABS or traction control system. You need to have the system checked for codes with a scan tool.
Nothing to do with the "TRAC OFF" light, but my daughter has an 2001 Pontiac Grand Am SE, and her car did the same thing and what we found out was that the fuel pump, that was located in the gas tank, was bad. Bought another one and installed it and it works fine now.
The TRAC OFF light is usually caused by a problem in the ABS system. See the link TRAC OFF DESCRIPTION link below for more info.- TechJK -------------
Wheel speed sensor. have the ABS scaned
It is most likely your wheel bearing, there is a speed sensor in side of it.
I am still waiting for the answer u cant reset the abs light u have to take it to the shop, if your abs light is on there is something wrong with your trac system
is the trac align light mean
You can turn the traction control on and off. If the light is on, then it is turned off or there is a problem. Read your owner's manual.
There should be a trac off button on the stearing wheel, when it is pushed to the off position, it makes the light come on. If it is set on the stearing wheel only when there is a issue with your tires should it come on. (Like if you going over very bumpy grounds)
When it says, "low trac" that just means you are on very grassy ground, or on ice or snow... It's proven that there's nothing to worry about. Just pray for better weather if it's snow.
The "trac" button is for traction control. By default, traction control is always on unless you turn it off.
It is to the left of your hazard lights button on the center of the console.