Northern railway
in Indian Railways SS means Station suprintendant . he is incharge of a Railway station
SLR stands for Gurad or Brake van in Indian railway. To get more List of abbreviations related to Indian railway, please check Indian railway officials -,1,304,366,389,402,435,495
In 1845 Hon Jaganath (Nana) Shunkerseth and Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy formed the Indian Railway Association.
CNF means confirmataion of the ticket after being waitlisted or of an RAC ticket.
Railway status - CNF stands for : Could Not Find
what does rlwl mean in indian railway
CNF means 'CONFIRMED'. It means, the ticket is confirmed and a seat/berth will be allocated. (the allotment at times may not reflect in the online PNR status, but it will be allocated once the charts are prepared.)
From business point of view, the full form of CNF is :- " Cost and Freight".
What is the fullform of CNF?
What is the fullform of CNF?
CNF means "cost and freight"
Air conditioned III tier economy
C.P. Joshi is the new Indian railway minister