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It is a funny phrase for peacocks to show them honor.

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Q: What does let peacocks fly mean?
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Do peacocks fly and walk?

Peacocks can walk of course but they cannot fly like other birds we usually see.

Are cockerels ducks and peacocks flightless birds?

No, they can all fly. Peacocks exspecially, they can fly strait up atleast 50 ft!

Is quail a flighless bird?

No, peacocks can fly.

Is peacoke is a flying bird?

Yes, peacocks can fly.

Do peacocks fly alone?

only on the "Other Guys"

Can peacocks and piegons live together?

Peacocks cant fly and there much bigger it be funny anyway to see them sleeping together

Can peacocks fly long distances?

Absolutely yes.My grandmother used to keep peacock that went up roosting late afternoon on the top of a pine tree,its height was more than 7 metres high.A lthough they dont seem to enjoy flying but use it only to escape danger or jump over a high fence ,they could easily fly as far as 50metres away.The funny thing is that they used to honk loudly while flying away...

What are 5 interesting facts about peacocks?

Peacocks Are Actually Male. ... Peacocks Are the National Bird of India. ... Peacocks Shed Their Feathers. ... Peafowl Can Fly. ... They Can Be Found in Africa. ... Their Sounds Can't Be Fully Experienced by Humans. ... They Stay In Groups. ... They Have an Impressive Lifespan.

What doesto loose the arrow mean?

Let it fly.

How does peacock moves?

Peacocks only can fly for short distances because their wings are small and their bodies are large. Peacocks can run up to 60mph!

Is it OK to let peacocks run loose in your yard?


Do Peacocks fly?

Yes, and they look very pretty when they do. These videos do not nearly do them justice. Click on the links below to see the peacock video. I used to work in a zoo, and we had peacocks which would roam freely thoughout the grounds. Sometimes they would perch in trees, on the tops of buildings, on top of signs, and so on.