I means you are feeling hot as popping
Just put your hand in it
thunder road
Full Scale custom hot rods in Oxnard/Ventura area...
I assume you mean people who lubricate automobiles with grease . . . ? The '57 Chevy was pretty hot, then.
dielectric grease.
It is a simile.
When hot grease comes in contact with water, the water vaporizes rapidly, causing it to expand and create pressure. This sudden release of pressure causes the hot grease to "pop" or splatter. The popping occurs because the hot grease is essentially being forced to escape from the water through rapid evaporation.
the percentage of the grease in hot cheetos is 59% of grease
Popping crease is a term that was used in the game cricket in the past. Popping crease was when batmen would have to pop their bat into a hole located in the middle of a crease to get a run.
Just grease the fittings... It makes all the difference
You can go to amazon.com, or ebay and type in Hot Belly Bacon Grease.
Grease fires are created when the heat starts to get hot enough to turn the grease towards a gas, creating fire
what you do when you have bacon grease is while it is still aliquidity. (not a solid put the grease in a metal mixing bowl and run it under some hot water. let the grease and the water mix for a little bit and then pour it down the drain while the hot water is running. after all the grease is down the drain. let the HOT water run for 1 minuet. that's how you delude bacon grease and get it down the drain without clogging your sink.
Just put your hand in it
Popping tags means that you go shopping and buy clothes. They call it popping tags because you "pop" the tag off after you buy it.
Grease on clothing will not come out with cold water because grease is a type of oil that solidifies and sticks to fabric fibers. Cold water is not hot enough to melt the grease and break it up from the fabric, making it difficult to remove. Using hot water, along with detergent or a grease-fighting stain remover, can help dissolve the grease and lift it from the fabric.
thunder road