it means like something bad or misunderstood about that person. only they cant help it.
Monster High
It is a Greek word. Literally it means missing the mark. It is translated sin in the English Bible.
He doesnt have a tragic flaw. Read aristotles view of tragedy in "Aristotles poetics" and you can see that there is no such thing as a tragic flaw. It is a simple miss-judgment of the character in which he can change, but may choose not too.
at the gullet
Macbeth's desire for power.
Monster High
Her hair grows really big
Her hair grows really big
Visit your profile, then click or tap edit profile. You canchange your avatar, killer style, freaky flaw, fav food, fave subject, fave activity, least fav subject, and the theme. Mix and match designs for a scarylicious look! You can also buy themes from the Maul. Hope this helped.
without flaw is an adjective. without flaw means perfection.when someone is without flaw they are perfect. to be without flaw can be used to descirbe a feeling but never a person . Flaws means that you are perfect and nothng is wrong with you. Example: Her tooth was missing in the front and she thinks that is her flaw.
To Have Tragic Flaw.
check your answer
shortcoming means flaw
Yes, it means without flaw or error.
If you have a level five or higher monster in your hand, you can tribute one or more monster(s) on your side of the field to play it. If a card's cost/flaw (ex.mystic wolk:tribute one monster. Gain life points equal to the original attack of the tributed monster) activates, that tributes as well.