Surprise is also a kind of emotion that is found. Surprise is the unexpected being happening suddenly.
He shows more emotion.
Reality Television shows
A cheesy smile.
He shows he is capable of compassion and empathy. He shows this by trying to set things right amonst the mortals so that all of them could have their rightful and desired loves.
A tolerant optimist.
A comedian.
A sentence that shows a strong feeling is called an exclamatory sentence. It is usually punctuated with an exclamation mark to convey emphasis or strong emotion.
Clockwork can mean mechanical - figuratively, a person who shows no emotion, but goes about their tasks and daily activities in a robotic fashion.
A person who shows people to their seats in a theatre is called an 'usher'.
A person who shows off their knowledge is often referred to as a "know-it-all" or "smart aleck."
A swear-word.
Uncertainty is not an emotion, but rather a state of being unsure or having doubt about something. Emotions are psychological responses to situations, while uncertainty is more about a lack of clarity or confidence in a specific situation or outcome.
Yes, curiosity is an emotion in humans. It is the emotion when a person wants to know or is excited.
Surprise is also a kind of emotion that is found. Surprise is the unexpected being happening suddenly.