The collective noun for donkeys is a herd or pace - sometimes a drove.
A group of donkeys is called a drove, herd or pace. Most of the time, a group of any animal is called a herd. Or in some cases it is called a pack.
A herd or pace of asses (or donkeys)
I don't have a clue why we call donkeys asses', When it is a "bad word" are we calling them asses' because we don't like them or what?
Because they need to have a secret call that all donkeys can hear to tell other donkeys how easy it will be to breake into your house
A group of donkeys or jackasses is called a herd or pace. Most people use the term herd instead of pace.
The collective noun for donkeys is a herd or pace - sometimes a drove.
A group of donkeys is called a drove, herd or pace. Most of the time, a group of any animal is called a herd. Or in some cases it is called a pack.
No, the word 'donkeys' is the plural form for the singular noun donkey. The collective nouns for a group of donkeys are: a drove of donkeys a herd of donkeys a pace of donkeys
In the olden days people would call donkeys ass's yes.
A group of donkeys is called a herd or a drove.
A herd or pace of asses (or donkeys)
I don't have a clue why we call donkeys asses', When it is a "bad word" are we calling them asses' because we don't like them or what?
Because they need to have a secret call that all donkeys can hear to tell other donkeys how easy it will be to breake into your house
A group of donkeys or jackasses is called a herd or pace. Most people use the term herd instead of pace.
Donkeys. That's why the Democratic animal is a donkey. People used to call them stubborn *other word for donkeys*.
They are able to communicate or Bray every day of the year.