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They use spears or bows and arrows to hunt birds, monkeys and fish.

To hunt larger animals like peccaries (wild pigs), or tapir, the men go out in groups, sometimes even with dogs to help them.

Fish can be caught by putting a small amount of plant-based poison into the river. The poison makes the fish very slow so that they can easily be scooped up out of the water.

Fish trapsor nets are sometimes used as well. In many rainforest regions, women grow crops of maize, bananas, plantains, beans, yams and sweet potatoes in gardens close to their villages. Avocados, fruit such as mangoes and pineapples, nuts and honey are also collected from the forest, as well as caterpillars, grubs and tarantulas!

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The Kayapo people are an indigenous group of Brazil. Their main crop is called manioc, and is similar to a potato. However, they have to chop it up and cook it before it is edible. Despite the intensive preparation, this food is eaten on a daily basis.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Men qore sheaths and women wore cloth bands of various colours

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