They both have big eyes. Hope that helps. Thank you!
they eat fish
They both have four legs
The giant Squid grows to at least 13m from tail to tentacle tip, weighs about 300kg, and has eyes 300mm across. There may be a larger one of which a juvenile was 15m in length.
the kraken is in myths, and it is a giant octopus squid thingy that destroys ships and kills people.
Parson's chameleon, from Madagascar.
My guess the battle with the Giant Squid in which Nemo shows considerable elan and guts, so to speak.
I believe its more creepy than scary. The scene that actually scared me was when Beth and Norman were outside with raining eggs and a giant squid chasing after them; the scariest element was the fact that one could not see the actual squid albeit brief moments.
They both have four legs
The skin is of a giant squid is covered in chromatophores, which enable the squid to change color to suit its surroundings. Like a chameleon
Most are fairly common like the Common squid, but the giant squid and the colossal squid are rare.
No. The giant squid is a common predator for whales.
the giant squid can be any color because when it needs to hide it has to camouflage with the coral around it
no. its a giant squid!
The Giant squid's enemy is the Sperm whale which eats the Giant squid.
you might be able to tell because the GIANT squid is supposed to be larger Giant Squid are actually GIANT.... Therefore if you see a squid & dont say "OMGG that thing is HUGE" then it isnt a GIANT Squid
The Humboldt squid and the Giant Squid are two separate species
-- The common market squid is Loligo opalescens. However, there are over 300 classified squid species, so you will have to be more specific. -- Giant boy-- The scientific name for the giant squid is Architeuthis dux.== ==
A giant squid period