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Most houses in Sweden, as in Europe generally, are built from brick, block, stone, and or concrete, incl. stucco. Compared to the United States, this is because of the relative shortage of wood, and a different attitude to what is acceptable in terms of how solidly a house should be built. Likewise, the houses tend to be smaller than in the United States, especially compared to recently built house in much of the U.S. Some older houses in Sweden, as well as houses in rural areas, are built of wood, and some older houses can be large.

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13y ago

They are made of mud and pencil pieces this is called "trishio" in Swedish

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14y ago

The ''typical'' swedish house is a red house w white corners made of wood.

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14y ago

Surprisingly Sweden has some rather cheap houses - the average house price is £50,000 approximately. However, the cost of living is high.

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