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Most juvenile inmates wear scrubs in detention. Ive been to juvie a couple times. The first time I wore gray sweatpants and a gray tshirt for 3 months. The second time I wore orange scrubs and flip flops for 6 months. Both were very comfy but it was annoying wearing the same thing everyday not to mention embarassing!

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Q: What do kids wear at juvenile detention centers?
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These Kids Wear Crowns was created in 2009.

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from all of the shopping centers in usa

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Kids wear is the dresses wear by children like trousers, tank tops, jeggings and much more.

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Kids wear brands such as Justice, Abercrombie and Fitch, GAP Kids, Famous Footwear and Foot Locker.

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they would wear old clothes that can't be washed if there parents were rich the kids get new stuff to wear

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Kids should not wear a uniform because they get dirty too fast.

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because they are cool kids(: