In the Winter they use sleds, snowshoes, and more.The Spring time they walked by foot and used birch bark canoes. Summer same things as Spring.Then they had fall they used same things.
what did the algonquins use for transportation
They mostley use canoes and by land From the panda:)
the algonquins used there hand and boobs to do there art
The Algonquins told stories about their people and some stories have morals behind it
It took Algonquins 1 hour or less to make their wigwams.
He had no transportation.
In the Winter they use sleds, snowshoes, and more.The Spring time they walked by foot and used birch bark canoes. Summer same things as Spring.Then they had fall they used same things.wowwhat did the algonquins use for transportation
They mostley use canoes and by land From the panda:)
skins,meat and ceromonies
algonquins are nobody
They fixed things... That's what tools are made for
they used birch bark tomake canoes
The Algonquin made tea with yarrow and used it for headaches.
The Algonquins valued animals, art and, there creator Manitou
the algonquins used there hand and boobs to do there art
The iroquois had longhouses and the algonquins had tipis
the algonquins wore animal skin they hunted