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None since a Private (presuming you mean non state-funded) school is classed as a Business and/or charity. You will have great difficulty getting it recognised as a school without qualified teachers and meeting various curriculum requirements though.

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Q: What degree do you need to start a private secondary school?
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What is high school called in Australia?

Australia's Secondary school starts at year 8 in Queensland and year 7 in New South Wales and Victoria, with the other states and territories adopting either format. In many schools, there is a developing trend towards an intermediate school called Middle school, and Secondary school may only formally start at year 10. In 2014, Queensland has already moved towards including year 7 in Secondary School.

When will degree supplementary exams start?

When will degree supplementary exams start?

What month do students of Canada start school?

The majority of Canadian students start school in September.

Are they any English colleges in Argentina?

You have lot of English colleges in Argentina. All of them are private institutions. Think of college as the Argentina School. From school or college you will then start the university. You have to diferentiate school with English and spanish teaching of those bilingual. The last one is going to graduate with 2 diplomas one for the spanish and oficial school and one also oficial but with exams mostly taken by UK or USA teachers.

How many hours of school in Argentina?

Students in Argentina wake up early in the morning at 7 am. The students get ready in order to reach school before 8am. The schools in Argentina start at 8am. The length of the school day can vary, especially among private schools, but in general the day begins at approximately 8:00 in the morning and will conclude in the early afternoon. School is finished each day by 4:30 in the afternoon. For younger children, the school session either runs from 8:00 until noon or from 1:00 until 5:00.

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What time do shools start in Mexico?

In Mexico, the typical school day starts at 8:00 AM. There are some variations, depending on specific grades, and if the school is private or public. For instance, most secondary schools (grades 7-9) start at 7:00 AM. Many private schools start around 7:30 AM, as most working parents can drop their children at school at that time -- the school bus is often an expensive service, provided only by private schools.

What is a secondary degree?

It depends on where the education is being taken and the terminology they use. That being said, post secondary typically refers to education taken after completion of high school. For example, those who pursue a college or university degree are pursuing post secondary school education.

How should you prepare for medical school if you are in secondary school?

start reading up on the medical practises. this way you would get a head start in medical school

When did Cheryl cole start her school?

She attended secondary school between the ages of 12 and 16.

What year do you start secondary school?

This question is too personal, noone will answer this.

what education level is needed to start a degree ?

To start a degree program you need a high school diploma or GED.

What age are children allowed to leave secondary education in England?

Children in England should start secondary school by the age of 11. He or she should finish secondary school by the age of 16.

What Age You start school in Singapore?

In Singapore one is expected to leave school at the age of 18 years. This is working with the assumption that one will start school at the age of 6 years.

What time does secondary school start in spain?

When you start the first year of "Secundaria" at the age of twelve.

What is teachers salary in Trinidad and Tobago?

It depends on your classification whether you are assessed as a Teacher I, II, III and the year in which you start to work in the Public Service will determine the range you are paid in. There salary paid is different for Primary School teachers and secondary school teachers. The average salary for a teacher in primary school currently is $6200 and secondary school $7200